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  • I have an allergy to some of the products I've bought in store, how can you help with that?
    Yes, The only ingredient that we use that may be a concern is our Almond oil. All of our items ingredients are listed. If there is a scent we have that you like but are concerned with the Almond oil, please let us know and we can make a special batch for you.
  • We have an event coming up and think you would be a good fit for our event would you be interested?
    We are regularly attending various events and are always looking to branch out to different areas and events. Please message us and as long as we do not already have commitments for the dates in question, there is a good chance we would be happy to be there.
  • Do you offer customization?
    Yes we do, we can use any combination of essential oils and all natural products to make any of our products. We DO NOT use synthetic or commercially made oils it strays away from our all natural base.
  • Are your items safe?
    Yes, all of our items contain all natural and organic ingredients. The biggest concern would be a nut allergy. Other than a nut allergy all our items are safe for all including children and pets.
  • I just placed an order and realized that you have kits that are cheaper, what can I do about that?
    If that ends up happening please message us either by sending us an email or through Facebook and we will get it taken care of you.
  • We ourselves are a small business and are interested in carrying you in our store, is this something you would be interested in?
    We are always trying to find more ways to get our products to customers. Please email us and it can be something we discuss and see if we are a fit for each other.
Allegheny Beards Meme
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